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Weekly Classes

Daf Yomi
Monday – Friday at 6:15am

Sunday Night Learning
Sundays at 7:30pm

Contemporary Topics in Halacha
Weekly Class on Different Topics by Rabbi Winston.
Monday Nights, See Observer for Weekly Time, at CBS and on Zoom
Talmud 101
Tuesdays at 11am
Tehillim Prayer & Discussion
Led by the Beth Sholom Sisterhood, open to all men & women.
Wednesdays at 8pm
Thursday Discussions at the Beth Sholom Chesed Center
Weekly discussions led by different presenters.
Thursdays at 11am
Friday Nights with Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch
Friday Evenings
Daily Mishna
Between Mincha & Maariv
Halacha Yomit
Sunday-Friday, Following Shacharit
Nach Yomi
Sunday-Friday, Following Shacharit




Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785